text from him Mr E ~

assalammualaikum ~ boring bored busan ntahapaapalah :x haha xD 

mau kasi baca kamu text c mr E yg comel , nta laaa dari mana ayat ne dy curi bagi sy , dari jiran sebelah kali ahh , HAHA jhat eh sy ! malam2 syok stay2 sma kawankawan tyba2 hp bebunyi . awlolo , sy tw dy yg text wawawa tapuji laaa ! 

   -----> i promise not to hurt u , i promise to never make u cry , i promise to always trust u , i promise not to lie , i promise u forever , i promise to do things right i promise to always be there . i promise until the end . i promise to be ur best friend , i promise this forever if u not the one then why does my soul feel glad today? if u not the one why i does felt ur hand this way? i love u but u do? why does this happening to me? if u not the one then why i need to trust u? if u a not mine then why does this distance main my life? if u not mine then why i have the stength to stand beside u . 

okey then , sy terpaksa ulang 2 kali baca sebab baca sekali x brapa faham . awlolo ! hahaha trus suda gtuu kembang2 jugak laa my hidung ne sikit2 . tpy sikit jaa laa x bule lebih2 . wahaha xD c mr E mmg best bekawan ma dy sy suka banget ! susah mau dpt kawan mcm dy . tpy tuu laa setakat ne . sy masi no feel lgi . hahai xD maaf :) saya sayang kau kawan . sorry laa kau terpaksa layan sy yg cerewet and minta puji berabis ne . wahaha . iLOVEYOU :D

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dah abis baca erk ? baa , COMENT laa sikit pun jd haha :D